Meet The Maker….
Hello! I’m Alison, founder of The Busy Hive. I’m a firm believer that if you can imagine it, I can make it a reality and I’m never happier than when unleashing creativity, hook in hand! My Grandma taught me to crochet when I was about 8, starting, of course, with a granny square and then the complicated and fine traditional doilies that were her forte. For a long time, crochet was my guilty secret, it wasn’t cool, but about 10 years ago I realised it was my superpower!
I have always loved the colours and mathematics of nature and crochet definitely allows me to channel that! From vibrant faux taxidermy large and small and floral wreaths inspired by natures paintbox and the changing seasons, to tiny cakes and delicate shells, it’s a maximalist riot of colour and texture!
Some of my work is functional, some wearable and quite a lot just for fun! I recently found this quote which I think sums it up…
“Maximalists don’t regard clutter as a collection of items, but rather as a collection of things they enjoy”